The specialized container terminal (TEC) Hutchison Ports LCT , belonging to the multinational group Hutchison Ports , set a historical...
The interaction that Mexican ports had with cargo transportation last November meant their second best record of 2024, going down from...
By Osiel Cruz and Enrique Duarte The Mexican port authority is continuing to push ahead with its project to boost cabotage...
At the heart of Latin American port activity, Peru is preparing to host the industry's most anticipated event from June...
Terminal Marítima Mazatlán (TMAZ) , operated by SAAM Terminals , reported a positive year-end balance for 2024, marked by a sharp 20% increase in...
In the first 11 months of the year, the port of Manzanillo set a record in the movement of commercial...
The company Terminal Marítima Mazatlán (TMAZ) , operator of the multipurpose terminal located in the port of Sinaloa -west coast of Mexico-,...
The Association of Terminals and Operators of Manzanillo (ASTOM) and the Mexican Council of Foreign Trade of the West (COMCE de Occidente) signed...
LA PAZ, BCS. – In the first half of 2023, Baja Ferries marked a milestone in the company's history by incorporating the California...
In the fourth quarter of 2024, global merchandise trade continued to grow at a moderate pace, with container shipping being...