In December 2024, the National Producer Price Index (INPP) in the transportation and logistics sector in Mexico reported a slight increase, according to information issued this Thursday by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi) .
The agency detailed that, in the last month of the year, prices in the transport, mail and storage industries showed the most significant increase in tertiary activities with 2.78% at a monthly rate and 8.29% annually.
The INPP aims to measure the variations in the prices of goods and services produced at a national level, said Inegi, who specified that in that month the indicator, including oil, had an increase at a monthly rate of 0.76% and 7.49% annually.
By group of economic activities, the primary sector was the one that showed the greatest increase in prices for producers. On a monthly basis, the prices of primary sectors, which involve agriculture, mining and fishing, increased by 2.99% in the referred month.
In turn, secondary activities , which include those related to manufacturing, industries and construction, increased 0.45% in the twelfth month of 2024.
The above was the result of price increases in the mining, construction and manufacturing sectors, as well as a drop in the generation, transmission and distribution of electric energy, water supply and gas supply through pipelines to the final consumer, the organization highlighted.
According to Inegi, tertiary activities , which involve transportation, commerce, education, tourism and health, increased by 0.97% in the period. Meanwhile, the Index of Goods and Services for Intermediate Use rose by 1.28% at a monthly rate and by 8.58% at an annual rate.
Inflation stood at 4.21% in December
Inegi also announced that the National Consumer Price Index (INPC) , which measures the variation in the prices of a basket of goods and services, stood at 4.21% in December 2024, from the 4.55% annual rate reported in November, thus achieving the lowest rate for a year-end since 2020.
The agency detailed that in that month, the INPC reported a monthly variation of 0.38% , while the underlying price index , which excludes goods and services with more volatile prices or that do not respond to market conditions, increased 0.51% at a monthly rate, with a notable increase in the price of services with 0.61% , and food, beverages and tobacco 0.43 percent .
On a monthly basis, the non-core price index registered a fall of 0.04 percent . Within this, the prices of agricultural products decreased by 0.64% and those of energy and government-authorized tariffs increased by 0.45 percent .
Among the products with the greatest upward impact, air transport stood out with 26.27% , followed by grapes with an increase of 20.27% , driven by the end-of-year festivities; as well as chicken, with an increase of 2.29 percent .
On the other hand, products such as papaya, serrano chili and green tomato showed a significant decrease in their cost, with a drop of 25.80%, 13.99% and 13.93 percent , respectively.
By region, the entities with the greatest increases in the INPC were Baja California Sur with 0.67% and Nayarit with 0.64% , while Tlaxcala and Tabasco showed variations below the national average.
The figures for both indicators become relevant in the context of the upcoming review of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (T-MEC) , which will take place in 2026, since several of the industries reported in the INPP will be part of the trilateral dialogue, and could impact the National Consumer Price Index.
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