Marcelo Ebrard , head of the Ministry of Economy , presented the “Made in Mexico” certification to the “Taruk” electric bus, which is the first vehicle of its kind designed and manufactured in the country by Mexican companies MegaFlux and Dina , as well as by public and research institutions.
At a press conference on the occasion of the certification, the federal official said that “Taruk” is now part of Plan Mexico , and noted that there are no electric vehicles with Mexican engines, except for this bus.
At the event, he emphasized that the goal is to increase Mexico’s innovation capabilities and ensure that this translates into well-being for the population. “It’s a great achievement; all countries around the world are doing it, and now we are too,” he emphasized.
Ebrard clarified that this bus is not an experimental vehicle, and announced that it will begin to be seen in public transportation systems, and that it has undergone months of testing and adjustments to improve its performance and increase its efficiency compared to other electric vehicles in Asia or other regions of the world.
The Secretary of Economy pointed out that the first units will operate in Ensenada, Baja California .
“Taruk,” which means roadrunner in the Yaqui language, is the first and only electric bus developed and manufactured in Mexico, according to MegaFlux.
The vehicle has been specifically designed for Mexico’s urban environment, with fully domestic engineering and support, and has capacity for 60 passengers and 28 seats , as well as a high-efficiency electric motor . The bus is 9.5 meters long.
Battery options are 140, 192, and 282 kilowatt-hours, with a range of 170, 240, and 340 kilometers, respectively.
Among the benefits that “Taruk” offers to operators and governments are: faster and more efficient local spare parts and technical support, as well as the activation of a national value chain, creating skilled jobs and strengthening Mexican suppliers.
“It’s more than an electric bus; it’s a commitment to an industry that thinks, designs, and innovates from Mexico. Committing to what’s made in Mexico opens up more possibilities, not shuts us out from the world,” said Gottfried, who welcomed the “Made in Mexico” certification for this vehicle.
This certification comes amid uncertainty over U.S. President Donald Trump’s threat to impose 25% tariffs on Mexican products, scheduled to take effect on April 2.
This also comes amid Trump’s claims that he doesn’t want vehicles manufactured in Mexico and Canada, which is why he has announced major plans to have automakers move their production to the United States, even though Mexico remains the main buyer of cars manufactured in Mexico.
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