In 2023, Scania achieved, as its own CEO defines them, “a quantum leap in sales” , and far from not being sustainable, they are not alienated in being responsible with the market to meet all service needs.
Last year, Scania’s sales in the cargo segment reached 2,520 units, an increase of 280% compared to 2022 , after averaging 14% growth between 2019 and 2022.
“We want to be very responsible with Mexico. Last year we had a quantum leap that put a lot of pressure on our organization, processes, and systems. Today we are building the entire capacity to support those units that are on the roads, with technicians, tools, and processes,” Alejandro Mondragón, CEO and president of Scania Mexico, shared with T21.

In the path traced by Scania, the focus is on strengthening its service model, where through service policies they have eight thousand of the 12 thousand cargo and passenger units that circulate in the country.
For this effort, Scania will channel investments of more than 200 million dollars to strengthen its service structure, where it is considering increasing the network of its own branches, but also the Customer Work Service (CWS), that is, the service points within the clients’ facilities.
The strategic plan with this investment is to double the number of branches by 2028 to 30, and by 2029 to have a network of 45.
“Although the speed of doing it directly is slower than doing it with external investors , we listened to our clients and they asked us to continue maintaining a direct presence in the branches,” said Mondragón.
For the CEO of Scania Mexico, it is clear that the strengthening of this unit will motivate them to have a moderate acceleration in sales, where they envision participating with a volume of two thousand to two thousand 500 units annually , which will give them a share of five to seven percent.
The service model, in addition to the CWS, is made up of maintenance contract policies, where customers pay for the kilometers traveled by the units. The third way is value-added consulting meetings to identify various indicators such as fuel efficiency, maintenance or failures, in order to find solutions.
From the manager’s perspective, the path taken has yielded results: “We have clients who have won contracts because their clients value the configuration of their fleet, which includes the integration of sustainable European tractor-trailers.”
In addition to the above, Alejandro Mondragón says that part of the brand’s progress is the result of customers seeing them as part of their business structure, “as a service department, where we connect systems and work philosophies, a professional department that meets their needs.”