In 2023, Scania managed to grow sales in the Mexican market by 3.8x compared to the 2022 level. Given this performance, since the beginning of 2024 it was expected that this level of growth would not be maintained, and it was even predicted that they would be well below two thousand units.
In 2024, the Swedish brand displaced just over two thousand units in the national market, which is a positive balance considering the series of changes that the organization had and the new structure to serve the market, shared in an interview with T21, Cristhian León Navarro, Commercial and After-Sales Director of Scania Mexico.
Among the internal changes that were faced, as described by Cristhian León, is his arrival at the Commercial and After-Sales Department, but also the new structure where the Retail Department was incorporated to serve a segmented market that also demands Scania products.
One element that the manager highlights is the profitability achieved during 2024 by Scania , which translates into a greater capacity to have organized growth in the corporation, which is evident in the market.
“Companies are looking to improve their profitability and our business model is to be another department in our clients’ structure, oriented to be equally or more profitable,” said Cristhian León.
One element that the manager highlights is the change in market conditions, and where Scania is aware that it cannot depend on a group or a series of groups to achieve sales goals, which is why, “we must increase the field of action to reach more customers in a scenario of uncertainty.”
Scania was a pioneer in the implementation of maintenance policies, changing the traditional model of transporters where they were responsible for these activities, to now transfer them to the supplier, even if it is within their facilities.
To this end, León Navarro explained that the corporation has an investment plan, such as the Tepotzotlán branch in the State of Mexico, or the Central Parts Warehouse that is already operating.
In addition to infrastructure, the other front is the workforce, which is why a training center will be inaugurated in Querétaro, which aims to increase the capacity of the teams that serve the fleet in circulation, which is constantly growing every year.
“Our fleet in circulation is constantly growing, and more than 90% of these units have a maintenance policy, which is why we must increase our support capacity,” emphasized Cristhian León.