peak season , projecting an increase in service times for motor transport, according to the Average Time Indicator for Motor Transport in Ports (ITPAP) developed by T21 Business Intelligence, in collaboration with geolocation companies and motor transport lines.

In July 2024, the average time it took a trucking unit to pick up imported cargo was 29 hours, 45 minutes and 2 seconds. at the ports of Manzanillo, Lázaro Cárdenas, Altamira and Veracruz.
Just a month earlier, the average time had been 7 hours, 7 minutes and 36 seconds .
This average time is divided into three types of measurements regarding the activities carried out by a trucking unit when collecting merchandise: maneuvering, waiting, and customs. Likewise, for the July 2024 fiscal year, 2,610 trucking unit movements were taken into account (a month earlier there were 2,837).
In this regard, the average waiting time last July in the four ports was 11 hours, 7 minutes and 26 seconds; in maneuvering it was 7 hours, 27 minutes and 13 seconds; while in customs it was 11 hours, 10 minutes and 23 seconds.
While in June the record was 1 hour, 32 minutes and 59 seconds waiting ; 2 hours, 5 minutes and 22 seconds in maneuvers and 3 hours, 29 minutes and 14 seconds in customs. .
Although at the time of going to press, the General Coordination of Ports and Merchant Marine (CGPMM) , which is dependent on the Secretariat of the Navy , had not yet published the port statistics for July of this year, some of the ports considered in the T21 Business Intelligence measurement have reported in recent weeks that they have registered historic increases in container imports during the seventh month of the year.
Such is the case of Manzanillo and Lázaro Cárdenas , the two main ports located on the Mexican Pacific that have been experiencing growth in the reception of merchandise from the Asian continent.
Peak season is defined as the time of year (mainly in the third quarter of the year) in which importers receive most of their goods in preparation for the main commercial seasons at the end of the year, increasing the demand for transport spaces and the cost of freight , mainly in maritime transport.
Time per port
This work, carried out by T21 Business Intelligence, together with the information provided by geolocation companies and trucking lines, allows us to present for the first time the average time accumulated by each of the ports during the first seven months of this year.
Below we show the results of the average time for each port (together with the three divisions) and comparative, emphasizing that the data shown was converted to decimal hours in order to make the respective comparisons.
Port of Altamira

Port of Veracruz

Port of Lazaro Cardenas

Port of Manzanillo

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