In November 2024, Nuevo León’s manufacturing industry showed a reduction in its economic activity indicators. According to the Economic Expectations Survey of the Chamber of Industry and Transformation (Caintra) , transportation logistics was one of the factors that companies considered hindered their performance, with 18.3% of the responses.
The survey revealed that, for the first time this year, weak economic activity was the main obstacle, according to 39.1% of respondents. This was followed by the political panorama and the shortage of trained personnel, each with 33.9 percent .
26.1 % of respondents indicated that lower external demand, as well as insecurity ( 19.1% ) and the adverse international environment ( 18.3% ) were other factors that affected the operation of companies during the reference month.
The survey results indicate that “although October seemed to be a month of recovery, the revised results show that the slower pace has continued over the last four months,” Caintra stressed.
The lower activity also impacted capacity utilization, exports and imports. These variables fell to 48 points , 47 points and 46.6 points , respectively; meanwhile, the index for the number of workers indicates lower hiring activity, with 47.5 points in November 2024.
Due to seasonality, the industrial sector tends to generate fewer jobs during the months of November and December.
Other indicators that showed a contraction in the eleventh month of last year were new orders with 46.42 points , and physical production volume with 46.51 points .
In turn, the indexes that reported increases in said period were: inventories with 50.97 points , prices of their products with 52.53 points and prices of raw materials with 58.51 points.
Meanwhile, the proportion of companies investing in construction, machinery and equipment fell to 30 percent. However, the figure remains higher than in other months.
According to these results, whose expectations indicators seek to qualitatively understand the current situation of the manufacturing industry in Nuevo Leon, from the perspective of the managers, the lower economic activity shown in the indices is reflected in the factors that hindered the operation of the companies.
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