The climate emergency demands action from all sectors, becoming one of the greatest challenges for the trucking industry, which has begun implementing actions toward decarbonization .
Although freight transport is not the largest source of environmental pollution, 20.7% of total emissions in Mexico come from the transport sector, and 7.8% specifically from heavy transport, as commented by Rogelio Arzate, Executive President of the National Association of Bus, Truck and Tractor-Trailer Producers, AC (ANPACT) during the launch of the Forum on Decarbonization of Passenger and Cargo Transport in Mexico.
Changing the data landscape to help curb the climate emergency has become an urgent priority, but what is the solution for the trucking industry?Faced with this question, industry leaders agreed that there is no single solution, but there is a shared commitment: to accelerate the transition to cleaner transportation.
“The future of hydrogen is now,” declared Jorge Machuca, Cummins ‘ sales director for Latin America, in his speech at the forum. He highlighted the role of hydrogen as a viable and less technologically disruptive solution.
“Hydrogen doesn’t require such a profound change and will allow for the development of a strong economy in the countries that decide to adopt it. The faster we do this, the faster we’ll develop this industry,” Machuca said.
He also described it as a way to ensure energy justice , as it can be produced locally from clean sources such as solar energy.
For his part, Gabriel Alemán Andrade, engineering manager at Volkswagen Trucks & Bus , noted that the company works with diesel and electric engines and already operates hydrogen vehicles in Europe.
“In Mexico, the majority of the fleet operates with older technology, as most are between 18 and 20 years old, but we already have EURO 6 engines, which can reduce polluting emissions by up to 80%,” he said.
Like other specialists, he commented that different solutions for vehicle decarbonization must be offered , that a wide range of technologies must be offered, taking into account operational efficiency factors in terms of cost, technology, and environmental impact.
He explained that the company he represents has the goal of having units free of polluting emissions by 2040 , with a strategy that includes electrification, optimization and biofuels.
He urged forum attendees to accept the challenge of “100% fossil fuel-free transportation in their vehicles in the future.”
Tailor-made solutions and strategic alliances
From Scania Mexico , Jorge Navarro, Commercial Director of Trucks and Buses, called for the formation of a virtuous triangle between industry, business and government.
“The important thing here is to decarbonize, using the tools we have at hand to reduce these gases,” he said.
He noted that alternative energy sources and electrification can be used to achieve this . “That’s where we’re going, that’s what we want. How quickly we get there depends on us,” Navarro commented.
Constantino Vázquez, Isuzu ‘s Dealer Development and Institutional Relations Manager , warned about the cumulative effects of pollutants and advocated an “à la carte” solution : replacing older units with technologies like Euro 6.
“Hydrogen is promising, but expensive. Vehicle renewal is the most immediate way to reduce our footprint,” Vázquez said.
Along these lines, technological consistency will be inevitable. “If we don’t act, we could see a rise in sea level of up to 11 meters. In addition to clean energy, we must focus on aerodynamics, incentives, and fleet renewal,” said Javier Valadez, director of operations for PACCAR Mexico .
Yoishi Noda, Hino ‘s planning coordinator , commented that in 18 years, one of the company’s achievements has been the success of its hybrid vehicles. He asserted that they are the only cargo brand in Mexico with this technology.
He explained that hybrid technology reduces pollutants by up to 45% compared to a conventional unit.
Finally, Alan Fernández, from Mercedes-Benz Vans , shared that the company seeks to operate with 100% clean energy globally by 2030. In Mexico, they apply programs such as MAR20X to improve the customer experience and reduce the environmental impact, even in their offices and internal processes.
The challenge is enormous, but the opportunity is even greater: decarbonizing transportation is not only an environmental goal , but a strategic commitment to Mexico’s economic and energy future. The technology already exists, as the experts explained, but now the commitment must be collective.
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