The National Association of Vehicle Tracking and Protection Companies (ANERPV)maintains the dynamic of signing agreements to strengthen all the links that participate in this activity. On this occasion, the corresponding agreement was signed with the Lucía Botín México University Practice Center , part of the Lucía Botín Group of Spain.
Within the framework of the ANERPV Assembly, this agreement was finalized, which aims to coordinate various strategies and activities aimed at obtaining business opportunities in transportation infrastructure and road safety projects.
Just as a constant training strategy is maintained with the state and municipal government bodies, as well as with the National Guard and the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena) , this objective is now focused on the monitors of the ANERPV member companies.
The training that will be achieved with the Lucía Botín Group aims to serve monitors and decision makers, focused in terms of intelligence and continuing to focus on security, commented David Román Tamez, president of ANERPV.
The strategy that ANERPV follows is aligned to continue promoting security, but also the capabilities to be allies in a strategy of dignity with the public security forces, “we are committed to improving the quality of police education,” considered the president. from ANERPV.
Lucía Fornelli, head of the Lucía Botín México University Practice Center, expressed that this alliance will be key in promoting the efforts made by ANERPV to increase education in this matter, increasing the number of elements of the public forces that have this training.
Even Fornelli recalled that based on the agreement reached, and thanks to the validity before The Hague, the courses taken are recognized in 182 countries.

Within the framework of the Assembly held by ANERPV, it was announced that 75 members had already been reached within the association, the most recent members being two firms in the tracking and security market: Solera and Geotrucks .