The Ministry of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation (SICT) reported that the AIFA-Pachuca train will have a double track for passenger and cargo operations , a project that will require an investment of 50 billion pesos.
According to project documents, 10% of the total investment will be used to implement prevention, mitigation and compensation measures .

The AIFA-Pachuca train will have a length of 55 kilometers (km) , and will continue with a new branch from the AIFA station, starting at the existing Jaltocan intercity train station.
It will have speeds of 160 km/h for passenger trains and 85 km/h for freight, as well as axle loads of 32.5 tonnes for product trains and 19 tonnes for passenger trains.
He specified that from the point of view of the use of materials for the structural section of railway tracks, three types of tracks will be analyzed:
- Type I Railways. These are railways that will support the passage of loads exceeding 30 million net tons/year. Electrified tracks will be included here.
- Type II Railways. These are railways that will support the passage of loads between 10 million and 30 million net tons/year.
- Type III Railways: These are railways that will support the passage of loads of less than 10 million net tons/year.
“The AIFA-Pachuca railway will be developed on the right of an existing track for more than 50% of its length. In total, the project has a surface area of 251.0815 hectares (ha), of which 133.014 ha correspond to existing right of way and 118.068 ha correspond to new affected areas,” he said.
The construction of two stations is planned : the first, Pachuca, located in the municipality of Mineral de Reforma, and Tepojaco in Tizayuca, both in the state of Hidalgo.
In addition, the modernization and reconstruction of existing works is planned, such as 13 railway crossings (bridges), 61 transversal drainage works and 42 vehicle crossings.
“The start of operations at Felipe Ángeles International Airport (AIFA) represents a change in the dynamics of passenger and cargo mobility in the metropolitan area of the Valley of Mexico, which requires rethinking existing mobility systems to facilitate access and movement of people and goods, taking advantage of the potential that an air terminal brings with it,” he said.
It is worth remembering that last October, the federal government announced that the AIFA-Pachuca train will have a distance of 64 kilometers, of which 14 kilometers would be on an elevated structure and some level crossings. In addition, it mentioned that it would be a double-track electrified railway infrastructure , with electric trains with a maximum speed of 120 kilometers per hour and a capacity of more than 700 passengers.
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