In January 2025, the physical volume of production in the manufacturing industry in Mexico registered a decrease of 0.4% compared to the previous month and 1.9% at an annual rate, according to the results of the Monthly Survey of the Manufacturing Industry (EMIM) , published by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi) .
The survey also revealed that employed personnel increased by 0.2% in the first month of 2025, and that, by type of contract, personnel dependent on the company increased by 0.2% , while non-dependent personnel – those hired and provided by another company, and who are paid fees or commissions, and therefore do not have a fixed salary – increased by 2 percent .
Hours worked showed a monthly decline of 0.3% , while average real wages paid (wages, salaries, and benefits) in the manufacturing sector also registered an increase of 0.8% compared to the previous month.
In the first month of the year, the hours worked by employees of the company decreased by 0.3% and those of non-employees fell by 1.5 percent .
Regarding the variation in the indicators of the manufacturing sector and by subsector, the tanning and finishing of leather and skin, and the manufacture of leather, skin and substitute materials products was one of the industries that had one of the largest falls in the physical volume of production, with an annual variation of 10.5% , and also registered a decrease in employed personnel of 3.6% annually .
According to the results of the EMIM, production and hours worked registered monthly decreases last January, while employed personnel and salaries showed monthly increases in the first month of 2025. This anticipates a panorama of what could come this year in this indicator, which has to do with the labor issue, and which will be one of the points to be analyzed in the next review of the Agreement between Mexico, the United States, and Canada (T-MEC) in 2026.
According to INEGI, the EMIM (National Institute of Statistics and Census) reports the behavior of the main variables associated with employment in the manufacturing sector, and captures quantitative information on employed personnel dependent on the company, employed personnel not dependent on the company, wages, and other indicators, such as manufacturing production, which last January saw two months of decline.
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