In 2024, trade between Mexico and the United States totaled 839 billion 892 million dollars (mdd), of this amount 609 billion 009 million dollars were operated by motor transport, that is, 72% of the total , according to figures from the United States Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) .
Despite the uncertainty surrounding the economic policy of US President Donald Trump, various specialists assert that trade will maintain a positive pace, also due to the increase in consumption in the US market.
In this scenario, since the last quarter of 2024, Zinergia (number 8 in the Top 100 of Autotransport® ), acquired a company with a focus on door-to-door operations between Mexico and the United States, called Tendencies.
“Our reading is that the US market will see an increase due to policies to encourage consumption, and this will allow for greater trade between the two countries, which we want to capitalize on,” said Luis Morales, executive director of Zinergia, in an interview with T21.
By adding Tendencies to Zinergia’s portfolio, door-to-door services can now be offered between Mexico and the United States, serving direct customers in both countries, as well as logistics companies.
“Our business model is with B1 operators, and our base of operations is in Monterrey, not in Nuevo Laredo, changing the model with which this market is traditionally operated,” describes Morales.
In addition to strengthening door-to-door services, the executive says that there is the capacity to focus on the domestic market, and not just door-to-door, when the market and rates recover.
For Zinergia, it is clear that this type of service will allow its clients to have a new opportunity to access the various services currently offered by the different service verticals. But as Luis Morales explains, with the capacity to make the necessary investments in Capex if the projects and the market so require.
Currently, Tendencies serves segments such as the automotive and retail sectors , as well as some logistics operators.
“Growth will be determined by the market, and especially by the recovery of rates, in order to consider entering domestic routes in the United States,” said Luis Morales.