In 2024 we reach the 9th generation of #The 21 Young People of T21 , eight consecutively. The essence of this work that began in 2009 remains: identifying young people who are driving the sector with their vision, their proactivity and their ability to revolutionize the spaces where they work.
Throughout this work we have presented 189 young people from transportation and logistics, who have and are transcending. Of this grand total, 73% have been men and 27% women, however, on this occasion they are 43%, although in the global force in logistics they represent 24%, according to the Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT).
The list has a wide diversity of subsectors represented, in addition to some entrepreneurs that have evolved to consolidate themselves as small and medium-sized companies that are making relevant proposals in the industry.
At Grupo T21 we are committed to integrating and identifying those profiles that are marked to transform this industry.
By T21 Staff
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